Friday, August 31, 2007

Digitalism at Noxx, Antwerp

Antwerp used to have its megadancing Zillion. But that was not koshjer at all. Remember Zundayz? :-)

But now there's Noxx, "please don't compare those 2"...yeah right.

Noxx has its "Thursdayz". Looks impressive on the inside and will attract fancy people. Let's hope they schedule bitchin' deejays & skip the commercial crap.

Opening on the 16th of September, but already hosting the Laundry Night-party on 1 Sept.

Anyway, yesterday Germany's elektro band of the year, Digitalism -you know, 'Daft Punk' auf Deutsch- kicked the shit out of the brand new speakers! What a hell of a start!

This is Digitalism @ the Noxx! Enjoy!

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